Thursday, May 21, 2020

Family Support Services - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1062 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Sociology Essay Type Essay any type Did you like this example? In normal life experience there are diverse family services that we encounter for the rest of our lives. The relationship between the protection of the child and family support has various connections of several aspects in life. The safety and child wellbeing relates directly to support and preservation services. Before one embarks on the long journey to build a family, and later child up keep and protection, there are foundations that must be conjoined together for the delivery of effective and essential services all round. Assets to sustain and safeguard family all the way through considerate strong foundations are based on, joined family evaluations, decision making, preventive measures and cultural capabilities and material provisions needed to manoeuvre. The general family services both proper and familiar beneath the patronage of the welfare of the child has universal inclusions of faith, locality relations, schools, and the civic organizati ons. Family based services reinforce the aptitude of parents to mind for and defend their offspring and endorse the familys ability to administer their individual lives, transmitting the significance that all families can detriment from upholds and families can study starting from one another. The family main support services are resources, moral hold up and education. These assets provide spouses to attain self-reliance, independent running of their affairs and to participate and co-exist effectively within the community (Allen, 1994). The support services of a family may be aimed at to all families with kids or to a collection of families with widespread distinctiveness, such as teenager parents or parents of kids with disabilities. Support services encourage parental proficiency and healthy child improvement by helping parents enhance their strengths and decide troubles that can lead to child abuse, delays on development, and family disturbance. These programs also inc lude care giving, counselling, community resource centres entrenched to school services and many more. The ideologies of family support accentuate partnership among staff and families; families as source of sustain; admiration of cultural, ethnic, and linguistic difference; family support as a strategy for community building; and the integration of family support values throughout program planning and administration. The family intervention or the protection services are regarded as temporary or short term and are constantly offered at home in view of fulfilling the goal of protection during any crisis. These family services ensure that each and every member of the family is safe and are the intermediary services that give a connection bridge to the entire community. This assures reunifications and gives adoption or guardianship a clear sense of existence. Relations protection services grew out of the detection that children need a secure and established family and that extrication of children from their families is distressing for them, often parting permanent unenthusiastic effects. These services build upon the conviction that many children can be safely protected and treated within their own homes when parents are provided with services and support they are empowered to change their lives. Community officials, organization administrators, practitioners, intellectuals have argued over whether child welfare agencies, through their work to prevent residency and reunify children with their families, were sufficiently addressing for kids safety needs. Premature babyhood programs sustain families by contribution to actions that boost parents defensive personality (Roessler 1990). Characteristically, programs review family requirements, associate families to neighbourhood assets, offer therapy and education for the parent, react to crises, and hold parents in management. In some countries there are multiple children laws that implicate thes e services especially In the US the law provides various direct expressway enforcement mechanisms. For instance, it allows a custodian parent to have an order mailed to the employer of the compelled parent, which will require that employer to hold back pay for the assistance of the child; in addition, it allows the caretaker parent to have an order posted to even an outside state court to implement the order. The law also supports professionals in ensuring a lawfully lasting, fostering family for every child in out-of-home care through family reunification, acceptance from foster care, custodian, and unending placements with relatives; including matters on legal issues, preparing and supporting children and youth, inter-jurisdictional placements, post-permanency services, and special issues in realizing permanency for older youth, children from marginal groups, and children with disabilities. Adoption is a lawful procedure which establishes child to parent relationshi p between persons who are not each others natural Parent or child. This is another family support that can actually cause havoc to a child when cases of adverse abuse occur. Adoption involves research and evaluation of ones opinions, selecting an organization, being harmonized with a child, and a lot of endurance and determination. It is not an impressive idea to go into, lacking liability on ground work first. This is supposed to typically take a least a number of months and is occasion well exhausted, so that there will be no turning back. References Ashbaugh B. C. Blaney (Eds.), 1991, creating individual support: people with developmental disabilities: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. A Hartman, J Laird, 1983, Familylife: centered family social work practice, Free Press, New York. Bexter, C., Poonia, K., Ward, L., Nadishaw, Z., 1990, Dual bigotry: services for community with knowledge difficulty from black and cultural minority communities. London: Kings Fund Cen tre. Biklen, D. 1990community life: sustaining people with disabilities, Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Covert, S. B., MacIntosh, J. D., Shumway, D. L. 1994, Family support: Training Center: A case study in systems change, McGraw Covert, S., Osuch, R., OConnor, S., Agosta, J., Blaney, B. 1990, Family support services in the United States: An end of decade status report. Cambridge, MA: Human Services Research Institute. Lakin, K. C., Hill, B. K. 1989, Planning for children and youth: Exceptional Children, Oxford University Press. Roessler, J. A. 1990, Permanency planning: Department of Special Education and Bureau of Child Research. Rider, M. E., Mason, J. L. 199, Issues in culturally competent service: Family Support and Childrens Mental Health. Portland State University. Raustadottir, J. Taylor, R. Bogdan, A. Racino (Eds.), 1991, Life in the community: Case studies of organizations supporting people with disabilities, Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Shoultz, B. 1993. The origins and workings: New Hampshires family support: Syracuse, NY: Center on Human Policy. Shoultz, B., OConnor, S., Hulgin, K., Newman, P. (1994). Permanency planning: From philosophy to reality. Syracuse, NY: Center on Human Policy. Taylor, S. J. 1995, Family life and parenting: The variety of community experience: Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Don’t waste time! 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Cell Phone Use The Most Dangerous Distraction

â€Å"Distracted driving refers to any nondriving activity that takes motorists attention away from the safe operation of their vehicles† (Leone). Every time a driver gets in a vehicle and decides to use a cell phone to have a conversation, either talking or texting, they put themselves and others lives in danger. The convenience a cell phone and the capabilities they offer have made them a substantial distraction and a cause of significant source of vehicle accidents and fatalities. There are three different types of distractions: visual, manual and cognitive. Cell phone use is the most dangerous distraction because it involves all three different types of distraction and plays a part in the increasing issue of distracted driving. Even†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The reaction time of a distracted cell phone driver is more than 40% than those of an undistracted driver† (Hague). Is the use of a cell phone worth the risk on the roadway? Cell phones have become an integral part of our daily life. With the increase of technology of cell phones, it makes our daily lives easier and more efficient. Multitasking results in those tasks competing for the driver’s attention, diverting the driver’s attention away from the roadway. The use of cell phones of any kind impairs a driver’s decision-making ability. The driver’s attention and their ability to process anything besides driving are suppressed. Their mind is divided as soon as their attention is focused on the obsession of their cell phone rather than the road. Cell phone drivers are stretched beyond safe limits when multitasking of driving and talking or texting with a cell phone which then becomes unsafe. Most drivers over-estimate their capability to safely multitask and assuming they have this ability is a hazard. Is it really worth it to endanger yourself or others while driving wi th a cell phone? Some people don t realize the danger of this until something happens to them, a family member, or friend of theirs. The evolution of the cell phone and their multiple capabilities has led to distractive driving that

Harrington Cost and Variable Costs Free Essays

Harrington Case Analysis Issue Stagnant sales performance has caused Harrington Collection to explore new avenues for improved performance, including the launch of a new active-wear line. Recognizing an emerging trend of low price and rapid style turnover in the women’s apparel market, along with tremendous growth in the active-wear segment, Harrington needs to work strategically to capture this profitable market opportunity. After careful analysis, it was determined that Harrington should implement a new active-wear line. We will write a custom essay sample on Harrington: Cost and Variable Costs or any similar topic only for you Order Now Financial Analysis While doing the financial analysis it is important to calculate the unit price first. Using the wholesale price rather than the retail price, the calculated unit price is $95. Next, we sum up the start-up costs and operating costs, both fixed and variable, and use these numbers to calculate the breakeven units. After calculation, the breakeven point is 289,846 units. Appendix A shows the details of our process. Active-wear sales are expected to double by 2009, and 40% of those sales are expected to be classified as ‘better’ active-wear. Assuming that Harrington Vigor maintains their 7% market share, we can deduce that Vigor can expect to sell 420,000 units of active-wear in its first year. Over half of all apparel purchased is sold â€Å"on sale. † We accounted for these markdowns by assuming that half the units will be sold for full price, and the other half will be sold at a discount. A sensitivity analysis was conducted by calculating the discount rates at 20%, 40% and 60% separately. From Appendix B, we can see that even for the 60% discount rate, the profit margin is still up to 21%, which is quite attractive. Therefore, Harrington has strong financial forecast to support its new launch in active-wear segment. Market trend After the economic downturn in the early 2000s, the trend of price-sensitive and more than 50% discount sales volume drive the mature market to a low-cost and outsourcing competition area. Thus, majority of apparel companies choose to outsource their production in low-cost labor areas such as China. Another trend is the fast growing needs for the superior styling, fresh, and fashionable active-wears. Quality strengths and Opportunities Having established their brand in the1960s, Harrington became well known for its superior quality, knowledgeable sales staff, and designer styles. With fairly high loyalty customers, Harrington possesses premium brand reputation. In addition, donning Harrington labels represents an instant status upgrade and the cutting edge of fashion. Generally speaking, the active-wear market is a rapid growth field with a relatively small segment in the â€Å"better† category. In order to seize the opportunity for diversity in its marketshare, Harrington should enter the market as soon as possible. Considering its brand influence and exceptional quality and styling, together with its cutting-edge technology, Harrington has a substantial opportunity to become a critical player in this profitable segment. Channel conflicts and Challenges By 2007 specialty stores and department stores are still the main retailing channels in the women’s clothing market. Department stores may benefit by the lucrative inventory turnover rate produced by Harrington’s extensive national advertising. Alternatively, department stores could be weary of stocking the active-wear products since this is a relatively new market and could mean more risk for the retailers. Harrington will need to rely on their relationships with the retailers and expertise in marketing to diminish this potential conflict. From the survey, the possibility to cheapen Harrington’s brand is really trivial by launching a new active-wear line. Recommendation Despite the conflicts and challenges, Harrington has a significant opportunity to advance their business into the active-wear segment. By upscaling the active-wear into the â€Å"better† category, Harrington could apply the comfort and fashion image which the Vigor division has already formed into the new segment. In addition, by outsourcing the production in Mexico, it can not only decrease costs, but also provide the possibility to respond more swiftly to changes in demand. With this in mind, it is strongly suggested that Harrington launches a new active-wear line. Appendix A Start Up Costs:| | | Start-up Costs (Pants Plant)| $ 1,200,000 | | Start-up Costs (Hoodie and Tee-shirt Plant)| $ 2,500,000 | | Equipment (Pants Plant)| $ 2,000,000 | Equipment (Hoodie and Tee-shirt Plant)| $ 2,500,000 | | Launch-PR, Advertising| $ 2,000,000 | | Fixtures for Company Stores| $ 2,500,000 | Total Start-up Costs | $ 12,700,000 | Annual Depreciated Start-up Costs | $ 2,540,000 | | | | Annual Ongoing Operating Costs-Fixed:| | | Overhead (Pants Plant)| $ 3,000,000 | | Overhead (Hoodie and Tee-shirt Plant)| $ 3,500,000 | | Ren t (Pants Plant)| $ 500,000 | | Rent (Hoodie and Tee-shirt Plant)| $ 500,000 | | Management/Support| $ 1,000,000 | | Advertising| $ 3,000,000 | Total Fixed Operating Costs| $ 11,500,000| | | Direct Variable Costs:| Hoodie| Tee-shirt| Pants| | Sew and press| $ 3. 25| $ 2. 00| $ 2. 85| | Cut| $ 1. 15| $ 0. 40| $ 0. 70| | Other variable labor| $ 3. 20| $ 2. 40| $ 3. 05| | Fabric| $ 9. 10| $ 2. 20| $ 7. 50| | Findings| $ 3. 85| $ 0. 50| $ 2. 30| Total Variable Cost| $ 20. 55| $ 7. 50| $ 16. 40| | | | | Direct variable costs translated into â€Å"unit† cost| Hoodie| Tee-shirt| Pants| | Total Variable Cost| $ 20. 55| $ 7. 50| $ 16. 40| | * measure| 0. 5| 1. 5| 1. 0| | Unit Cost| $ 10. 28| $ 11. 25| $ 16. 40| Indirect variable costs:| | | Wholesale â€Å"unit† price| $ 95. 00 | Total variable costs as % of wholesale price| 40%| Indirect variable costs per â€Å"unit†| $ 8. 64 | | | | | Direct variable costs per â€Å"unit†| $ 37. 93 | | Indirect variable costs per â€Å"unit†| $ 8. 64 | Total variable costs per â€Å"unit†| $ 46. 56 | | | | Contribution:| | | Wholesale price per â€Å"unit†| $ 95. 00 | | Less total variable costs per â€Å"unit†| $ 47. 00 | | Contribution per â€Å"unit†| $ 48. 00 | | | | Breakeven:| | | Fixed annual costs(operating and depreciated start up)| $ 14,040,000 | | Contribution per â€Å"unit†| $ 48. 00 | | = Breakeven Units| $ 289,846 | Appendix B Unit Price = $95. 00, Unit Quantity = 210,000 * ((7,500,000 * 2 * 0. 4 * 7%) / 2) Profit Margin*| | | | | Discount Rate (40%)| Discount Rate (20%)| Discount Rate (60%)| Revenue| $ 31,920,000| $ 35,910,000| $ 27,930,000| less fixed annual costs| $ 2,540,000| $ 2,540,000| $ 2,540,000| less total variable costs| $ 19,555,410| $ 19,555,410| $ 19,555,410| Profit before tax| $ 9,824,590| $ 13,814,590| $ 5,834,590| Profit margin before tax| 30. 78%| 38. 47%| 20. 89%| * Assumes half of inventory is sold at full price, and other half is sold at subsequent discount rates. | How to cite Harrington: Cost and Variable Costs, Essay examples