Saturday, February 15, 2020

Deforestation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Deforestation - Essay Example Also, the reasons for deforestation are largely economic. Softwoods from areas under boreal forest are used in the paper and construction industries, while tropical hardwoods are used in the manufacture of furniture and for construction purposes. In South American countries, forest and woodland areas are also heavily exploited for wood-fuel, which is the main source of energy. Following Ehrhardt-Martinez (1998): "Deforestation in developed countries has reached very low levels, it accounts for the loss of 16.3 million hectares of forest per year in developing countries -- an area approximately twice the size of Portugal. An estimated 15.4 million hectares of forest loss occurs each year in tropical regions, with the worst losses occurring in Latin America and the Caribbean (7.4 million ha) (568) Clearly, the exploitative decline in forest and woodland resources is not sustainable in the long term and a number of environmental problems, including soil erosion and biodiversity losses, have developed as a result. Improved road access into deforested areas is likely to encourage population influx and increased shifting cultivation (Margulis 39). Farmers are then encouraged to trans... These strategies are very successful helping to establish a special culture of forest management and land use (Ehrhardt-Martinez, 569). For the highlands, this meant more emphasis on cattle-ranching, generating meat and dairy products for the growing urban markets, and less importance for traditional subsistence crops like corn, wheat and barley. The establishment of all-weather routes meant that areas which had only been accessible during the dry season could now be used for continuous product extraction, promoting permanent settlement which in turn also increased the demand for local food products. it should be noted that forests, while not the only, are still the main source of 'reserve land areas' to be gradually included in the pool of cultivated areas (WRM 1998). Due to the low commercial scale of remaining valuable timber species, it is usually not worthwhile to open a new road in a mountainous region just for the sake of timber extraction; this thus eliminates any prospective 'indirect' impact. The extraction of logs here may rather be a by-product of forest-clearing implemented for general purposes of colonization (Margulis 89). According to road distance and market requirements, either all types of firewood are cut and used across the board for conversion, or hard species with a high energy content are selected. In the case of across-the-board utilization, charcoal-burning would indeed be a candidate as a cause of deforestation, provided that the once-and-for-all rent from clearing and charcoal conversion is in fact the decisive motivation within the landowner's resource-use strategy. The problem of deforestation needs complex solutions and

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Does Being Socially Responsible Impact Corporate Sales Revenue Research Paper

Does Being Socially Responsible Impact Corporate Sales Revenue - Research Paper Example As it has been said that the business has to return something back to the society where it is operating and it is the responsibility of the corporations operating in the society to return back and this has been termed as ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’. The fundamental goal of the business is to provide the shareholders with profits as Milton Friedman wrote in his article â€Å"the only social responsibility of the business is to increase the business profits of the shareholders†, yet CSR has played an important role in influencing the customer to purchase the company’s product (Beurden, and Gossling, 407-408) In recent decades the concept of corporate social responsibility has gained a lot of support from businesses as well as the society as this strategy provides the company to survive and differentiate itself in the market environment. This strategy is aimed to provide the customers with the products according to their need by assuring the eco-friendly environment and the advancement of the society. 1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH By applying the concept of corporate social responsibility the businesses are said to have higher impact on the sales of the company’s product. It had been noted that the company that implements the social responsibility have higher sales volume than other companies. It has also been found that this emerging trend has gained exceptional popularity with the passage of time as this social responsibility focuses on the economic, ethical and legal components rather than focusing on single idea of profit for the stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility is one of the business strategies that business people have shown their support for as this strategy focuses on responding to the society priorities and expectations with positivity and willingness. The economic component focuses on the profitability of the company. This is the foundation of the business that keeps the business keep going on. The second component of the corporate social responsibility is the ethical which focuses on the commitment to do what is right and to avoid any process that might harm the environment or the society. The last but not the least component of CSR is the legal component which is to obey the laws and regulations of the country and to do what is acceptable by the country and to avoid those procedures that are ignored by the society. 1.3. IMPACT OF CSR ON BUSINESS Corporate social responsibility plays an essential role in the success of the business. It not only retains the employees and the customers of the company due to their higher satisfaction le vel but also helps the company to attain new customers on behalf of their contribution towards the sustainable development of society (Jose and Patrice, 4). Corporate social responsibility helps the company to enjoy many benefits. Some of the benefits that a company enjoys due to such a strategy are strengthened brand positioning,